
UKAPA is committed to supporting research activity and dissemination through our core activities and through our network of public administration scholars.

  • Our annual conference provides an opportunity to disseminate research findings and we emphasis the value of innovative and impactful research.
  • UKAPA, with SAGE Publications, own two leading journals in the field:  Public Policy and Administration and Teaching Public Administration. Public Policy and Administration provides an outlet for high quality research that contributes to our understanding of, and indeed may enhance the practice of, policymaking, service organisation and delivery. Teaching Public Administration provides a platform for sharing research findings on public administration pedagogy and learning.
  • More broadly, UKAPA contributes to the public administration research environment through responses to parliamentary calls for evidence, the REF and CABs journal guide.  We also submit nominations to REF subject panels and recommend scholars for Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences.  Recent responses can be found here.

UKAPA welcomes collaborative and interdisciplinary research. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to become more involved in our research activities.

UKAPA awards a small annual research grant of £2000.  This funding is open to scholars (including doctoral researchers) from  member institutions of the UKAPA. Funds can be used to support primary research on topics of direct relevance to public administration, public management and public governance, and public policy.